September 12, 2024 — Rogers and Trump Tied Up In Michigan

🚨TIED UP — Mike Rogers is statistically tied in the race for Michigan’s open U.S. Senate seat, with the latest poll showing the race at 44-43.

Earlier this week, another new poll pegged the Michigan Senate race at 39-38, further cementing this race as a true toss up heading into the fall.

TRUMP LEADS — 49-48 over Harris according to Insider Advantage, the most accurate pollster for the 2020 election in Michigan.

👀 Trump is registering 20% support from black Michigan voters, the highest on record, and a 25% lead among indpendents.

SLOTKIN VOTES WITH CHINA — Slotkin voted NAY on the bipartisan ‘End Chinese Dominance of Electric Vehicles in America Act,’ which would limit U.S. federal tax credits from going to Chinese corporations. Slotkin has consistently voted for bills that help China destroy our auto industry.

“Slotkin had the chance to stand up for Michigan’s auto industry but chose to once again side with Communist China. Stopping American tax credits from enriching China should have been a no-brainer but Slotkin continued to show allegiance to the CCP and not Michigan. She’s better off moving to Beijing where she clearly belongs.”

REMINDER: EV Mandates will kill at a minimum 37,000 Michigan auto jobs and over 120,000 nationwide.

NO GOTION — Or does Slotkin still support the Chinese-backed megasite? Slotkin has flip-flopped on the issue as she attempts to defend her pro-China record, including signing a non-disclosure agreement and taking campaign cash from Chinese foreign agents.

“Slotkin’s history with Gotion and whether the NDA has prevented her from speaking out against the company remains somewhat unclear”

SLOTKIN HIDING — Slotkin was caught red-handed this week hiding her digital ads from voters with Jewish interests as she continues to cater to her extremist base and refuses to condemn Rashida Tlaib for associating with known terrorist groups.

“Slotkin prioritized ads for users interested in ‘Islamic studies’”

Meanwhile, Mike Rogers has been a leader in holding China accountable, and 100% opposes the Chinese-backed and funded plant that even Leon Panetta, Slotkin’s former boss, has labeled a massive national security threat.

NEW ADS — Mike Rogers released two new ads this week, airing statewide on television and digital streaming platforms…

MANDATES: The Biden-Harris-Slotkin EV mandates will decimate Michigan’s auto industry, but Mike Rogers will put an end to the pro-China EV agenda being embraced by Democrats. Mike will always work for and have the backs of Michiganders, not China.

THE TRUTH: Mike Rogers has been consistent and clear on abortion stating that he will NOT support any legislation that would interfere with the rights of Michiganders as guaranteed by the voters in our state Constitution, including access to IVF.

UP FOR DEBATE — Mike Rogers accepted three televised debates against Slotkin, but so far Slotkin has refused to accept the only debate that would take place before voting begins this month.

LAW ENFORCEMENT SLAMS SLOTKIN — Former Detroit Police Chief James Craig heavily criticized Slotkin for launching attack ads on the 23rd anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

COTTON COMES TO TOWN — Army veteran and U.S. Senator Tom Cotton is campaigning with Mike Rogers this weekend, hosting several events throughout Macomb, Oakland, and Wayne counties including a veterans roundtable on Friday.

LIBRE ENDORSEMENT — Libre Initiative Action endorsed Mike Rogers for U.S. Senate.

MIKE ON FOX NEWS: Mike spoke with Jackie and Sean about the growing threat of Communist China.


Learn more about Mike Rogers and his plan to Get America Back on Track at



Sen. Cotton and Rogers Join Forces


Slotkin Votes NO on Anti-China EV Bill