Slotkin Votes NO on Anti-China EV Bill

Today, Slotkin voted against the bipartisan ‘End Chinese Dominance of Electric Vehicles in America Act of 2024.’ The bill would limit U.S. tax credits from going to EVs that are produced with parts from China. 

Please see below for a statement from Rogers for Senate Communications Director Chris Gustafson:

“Slotkin had the chance to stand up for Michigan’s auto industry but chose to once again side with Communist China. Stopping American tax credits from enriching China should have been a no-brainer but Slotkin continued to show allegiance to the CCP and not Michigan. From her NDA helping a Chinese backed company, to donations from Chinese foreign agents, to today’s vote for China, Slotkin is out of touch and cannot be trusted. She’s better off moving to Beijing where she clearly belongs.”

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September 12, 2024 — Rogers and Trump Tied Up In Michigan


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