Rogers to Kilmeade: If You Want a Better Future Vote Rogers for Senate

Mike Rogers joined Fox News’ Brian Kilmeade Show to discuss his closing argument to Michigan voters as he continues to build momentum and tell the truth about Slotkin’s record.

What is your closing argument to the people of Michigan…

“Big problems in Michigan. It’s the first time in our history we import more food than we export. First in our history that more foreign cars are produced than domestic cars. First time a trillion dollars on your credit card debt. For the first time the interest payment on our national debt is bigger than the Department of Defense. This is what the Democrats have given us over the last four years. If you want lower gas prices, a better economy, a better future for your kids, and you don’t want to be beholden to China. You really need to send Mike Rogers to the Senate.”

Learn more about Mike Rogers and his plan to Get America Back on Track at



Rogers to Seniors: My Family Counts on Social Security, I’ll Make it Stronger as Senator


September 20, 2024 — GROWING MOMENTUM 🌾