September 20, 2024 — GROWING MOMENTUM 🌾

GROWING MOMENTUM — Mike Rogers secured the major endorsement of Michigan Farm Bureau’s AgriPac this week, the first time they’ve endorsed a Republican in the seat since 2006. Gary’s not doing well with this news, but Michigan farmers know Mike has always supported the ag industry and he’ll fight for them in Washington.

A Michigan farmers’ group endorsed the Republican candidate in the state’s competitive U.S. Senate race for the first time in nearly 20 years following reports that Democratic candidate Elissa Slotkin received farming tax credits without holding a farming license.

Following the milestone endorsement, Mike spoke with Paul W. Smith, Justin Barclay, and Scott Sands about the importance of Michigan’s second largest and highly diverse industry.

Reminder: Slotkin is not a farmer, has never been a farmer, and still refuses to pay her property taxes. People don’t forget.

ADS UP — Four new televisions ads in support of Mike Rogers began airing across Michigan in the last week, focusing on Mike’s long record of fighting China and his plan to lower costs, and Slotkin’s reckless spending and constant embrace of Chinese corporations.

Kenna: A mom of four from Oakland County, details the financial pinch Slotkin's policies have placed on her family. From higher prices to mandating how Americans live, Slotkin has made lives harder on Michiganders, including her opposition to a middle class tax cut and instead supporting Biden’s and Kamala’s millionaire tax cut.

DNA: Mike from Okemos explains how manufacturing is in the DNA of Michigan, but that Slotkin’s radical embrace of Gotion and support for their CCP-battery plant in Big Rapids, as well as her support for EV Mandates and increasing taxes on small businesses is jeopardizing Michigan’s auto industry and manufacturing jobs.

Fired Not Promoted: Slotkin has admitted her reckless spending caused higher prices for groceries and gas, and she was caught lying about Mike Rogers. Why? She signed a secret agreement that helped a Chinese corporation move into Michigan at taxpayers’ expense, AND she voted to ban gas cars… including TODAY.

Take On China: Mike Rogers has been taking on China for decades, holding them accountable for their economic and military aggression, and their flood of fentanyl across our southern border. Unlike Slotkin who’s in bed with Beijing, Mike will hold the CCP accountable.

BOUGHT AND PAID — Slotkin secretly accepted nearly $100,000 from groups backed by the pharmaceutical industry, this follows revelations that she lived in the home of a pharmaceutical lobbyist, all because she’s never bought a home in Michigan.

SLOTKIN’S RECORD — Whether it's supporting a plan to shut down 44 Michigan hospitals, voting to restrict medications and treatments that would save lives, or voting to let Medicare premiums soar, Slotkin has made it clear she works for Washington, not us. WATCH.

SOLD OUT — Slotkin, who was born and graduated from college in New York, does not understand or care for the values of Michiganders. She sold out Michigan workers to the Chinese and helped drive up the price of groceries all because she wanted to vote with Biden 100% of the time. WATCH.

WHY SO SILENT — Slotkin once again refused to address the rampant antisemitism on our college campuses, and only after being called out did she passingly mention a Jewish University of Michigan student who was beaten for being Jewish.

Mike will always call out antisemitism when he sees it, and proudly stands with our friends in Israel.

TICK TOCK ON FLIP FLOP — Slotkin signed a non-disclosure agreement as the MEDC was negotiating a deal to give hundreds of millions of Michigan taxpayer dollars to a Chinese corporation, all part of her long support for EV mandates and profits for China. Read more about the timeline of Slotkin’s secret deal.

Republicans are calling on Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin to come clean about what she knew from secret negotiations to bring a Chinese battery component manufacturer to Michigan, and when.

The Detroit News, meanwhile, is “running interference for (her) campaign” to replace U.S. Sen. Debbie Stabenow

REMINDER: Just 8% of voters polled support the Harris-Slotkin EV Mandates

ARMY VETS — Senator Tom Cotton joined fellow Army veteran Mike Rogers for several events throughout Metro Detroit, thanking volunteers, touring local businesses and diners, and hosting a roundtable with Michigan veterans in Grosse Pointe. They joined Newsmax from the War Memorial to discuss the importance of service and defending our national security, and wrote an op-ed on combating Chinese aggression.

REMINDER: Slotkin signed a non-disclosure agreement, and Tom Cotton agrees that it’s simply unacceptable

MORE KNOCKING — Ambassador Richard Grenell joined Team Rogers on Wednesday to kick off a door launch in Hudsonville in support of Mike Rogers and Republicans up and down the ballot.

THIS IS IT — Michigan will decide the future of America, with the winner of the Great Lakes State choosing the Senate Majority and White House this November.

If Donald Trump wins Michigan, he has a 95% chance of winning the 2024 election, according to numbers guru Nate Silver.

CLOSED FOR BUSINESS — Debbie Stabenow apparently doesn’t know she still has a job, closing her office last week as the Senate returned to session to pass critical bills to keep the government open and passing the Farm Bill.

Rogers added that “representing Michiganders is the furthest thing from a part time job, I guarantee that my office won’t be closed for business and I’ll never forget who I work for: the people of Michigan.”

DANA AND BILL — Talked with Mike Rogers on Newsroom yesterday about the importance of Michigan this November, and how voters from across the state are rallying behind Mike’s plan to Get America Back on Track, because Michiganders know he’ll have their backs. Mike also joined Brian Kilmeade to share his vision for Michigan.



Rogers to Kilmeade: If You Want a Better Future Vote Rogers for Senate


Rogers on Fox Talks State of the Race and Farm Bureau Endorsement