Rogers and Allies Hold Slotkin to Account on Latest Flip Flop

This afternoon, Republican nominee for U.S. Senate Mike Rogers, congressional candidate Tom Barrett, MIGOP Chairman Pete Hoekstra, and former Ambassador Joseph Cella called out Michigan Democrats like Slotkin for their weakness and secrecy regarding Communist China.

Mike Rogers has a very clear record of holding China accountable, but the same cannot be said for Slotkin who signed a non-disclosure agreement, accepted contributions from foreign agents of China, and supports a ban on gas cars that would enrich China.

Slotkin has proven that she is not capable of consistently telling the truth about her record of cozying up to China. Michigan deserves a Senator like Mike Rogers who will have their back in the U.S. Senate.

On Slotkin Flip Flopping… 

“My opponent has tried to back out of the fact that she signed an NDA and now is concerned about the security of this thing. It tells you the significance of the security violations that I believe have happened… Everyone should have to explain themselves. When you hang yourself out there as a national security expert and then sign an NDA and then hide about it for two years that tells me everything we need to know about why that person ought not to get a promotion.”

Mike Rogers Opening Remarks… 

“We had foreign agents provide financial support to Elissa Slotkin and Curtis Hertel. They signed non-disclosure agreements to not disclose their conversations about their dealings to give cash prizes to a company that is now tied to the Communist Party of China… This plant has gone up to a place that doesn’t want it. It’s very near to a military base which presents its own security issues… If you have come and asked for a promotion after violating the very basic tenets of national security, thought, and judgment more often than not you would say no.

“I can tell you as a member of Congress who served those seven terms never once did I see an elected official sign a non-disclosure agreement for any issue let alone a company that is tied to the Communist Party of China.

“The consequences of what this policy is doing to autoworkers in this state. I worked in an auto plant. It helped me get the money I needed to go through college… These factory jobs are critical to our economy and to families. There was a report that just came out today that said 200,000 manufacturing auto jobs would disappear if the Biden-Harris-Slotkin agenda was put into motion. You start thinking about what that does to our community here… It will ripple through our economy in a way we have never seen in our history because we are knowingly putting our foot on the necks of Michigan autoworkers…

“When you spend your career, you go from an elite high school to an elite college in New York to another elite college in New York City to Washington DC for most of your adult career. You don’t understand what happens when you make these decisions to people like me who worked in a factory or people like my brother who was a union member at Flat Rock… It seems like a very easy Washington DC decision… but it’s because of these decisions people are worried about their future.”


ICYMI: Slotkin Can’t Be Trusted on China


Slotkin FLIP FLOPS on Gotion