September 27, 2024 – Slotkin Doubles Down on China

TIED. UP. — Two new polls released this week show that Mike Rogers is TIED in the race for Michigan’s open U.S. Senate seat.

“several recent surveys suggests that the contest may be narrowing significantly in the final stretch – a sign of good fortune for Rogers, a former FBI agent and House Intelligence chairman”

Mike’s plan to Get America Back on Track, paired with an unprecedented field program and a candidate who’s not afraid of talking to Michiganders, is countering Slotkin’s lies that are funded by her Washington allies.

EV TIPTOES — The Wall Street Journal excoriated Kamala and Slotkin over their longtime support for EV mandates, especially as Kamala tries to run from her long record of attempting to ban gas cars.

For Slotkin though, she doubled down on her support for the Pro-China Biden-Harris EV mandates, voting just last week against a bipartisan bill to stop the EPA’s mandates that are estimated to destroy hundreds of thousands of auto-related jobs in Michigan. This follows Slotkin’s opposition to the bipartisan End Chinese Dominance of Electric Vehicles in America Act.

Meanwhile, over 5,000 auto dealers across America sent a letter to state and local officials asking that they STOP EV mandates that are crushing their business

Reminder… Just 8% of voters polled support the Harris-Slotkin EV Mandates

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AS SHE CONTINUES TO DO — After getting caught taking nearly $100,000 from groups backed by the pharmaceutical industry, Slotkin was once again called out for being a hypocrite as she raked in almost a million dollars in corporate contributions.

SLOTKIN SPURNED — The Detroit Regional Chamber of Commerce refused to endorse Slotkin, despite decades of history supporting the Democrat nominee for U.S. Senate. 

Former Congressman Rogers is someone I have seen in action during the difficult days after 9/11 in his role on the House Intelligence Committee. His service to our nation during those uncertain times deserves the thanks of all Michiganders and Americans. Additionally, Mike Rogers provided the Chamber PAC the most detailed and comprehensive interview our organization has experienced.

‘PRETTY DAMN SIGNIFICANT’ — Following a ‘pretty damn significant’ endorsement from Michigan Farm Bureau’s AgriPac last week, Mike’s hit the trail hosting a roundtable with West Michigan farmers in Hudsonville. Mike’s endorsement made waves (of grain) across the press corps, and you can read about it hereherehereherehere, AND here.

Why Mike? It’s no secret, Slotkin’s policies are failing farmers and they want change, that’s why Michigan farmers want to send Mike to the U.S. Senate. Not to mention, Slotkin takes a farm tax credit despite the fact that… she doesn't have a farm.

ANOTHER ENDORSEMENT — The Detroit News gave a clear and forceful endorsement of Mike and described him as an “exceptional candidate.” The paper went on to commend Mike for sounding the alarm early on China, his advocacy for restoring America’s military strength, and his commitment to improving Michigan’s economy and literacy rates.

“Mike Rogers is an exceptional candidate for the U.S. Senate. Michigan voters should send him back to Washington as their next senator.”

AND.. ANOTHER: TODAY, Mike announced that he earned the endorsement of former Michigan Governor Rick Snyder. Read more.

ADS ON ADS – Rogers for Senate and the NRSC released two new ads highlighting Mike’s record of working for Michigan, standing up to China, and expanding benefits for Michigan seniors while he was representing Michigan in Washington. 

THESE JOBS Highlights Mike’s strong record of fighting to protect Michigan jobs and standing up to America’s adversaries, like China. 

EXPAND Underscores Mike’s efforts in Congress to expand Medicare to cover prescription drugs for Michigan seniors, and Slotkin’s 100% voting record with Biden-Harris that jeopardizes the Medicare and Social Security benefits seniors rely on.

LINDA Tells the story of a 25-year General Motors employee who is facing rapidly rising costs thanks to Slotkin’s support for Bidenflation, driving up costs for gas and groceries while putting her retirement in jeopardy.

SUPPORT OUR SENIORS — In Troy, Mike hosted a town hall with Michigan seniors to discuss his plans to protect Social Security and Medicare, as well as lowering the cost of living for seniors.

Sen. Roger Victory: “That’s why I believe we need strong leadership at the national level like Mike Rogers to bring that voice of balance to this equation… That’s why I am excited to be supporting you because you will help everyone at this table to fight those issues.”

HAVE FAITH — Mike has made it a focal point of his campaign  to vist with faith leaders from all corners of Michigan, listening to their concerns and working to find solutions for all Michiganders.

“Former Republican Rep. Mike Rogers has been visiting churches across Michigan during his Senate campaign, and has found that people of faith in the battleground state are worried about one issue above the rest: the economy.”

In Detroit… Mike met with black faith leaders from southeast Michigan on Thursday, discussing ways that conservative policies can help their communities.

"I'm not asking you to be a Republican. I'm asking you to take a chance on a set of ideas that will help this community," said Rogers.

TOP-EDS — This week, Mike penned two op-eds on protecting access and requiring insurance to cover IVF treatments, and his pledge to always have the backs of Michigan’s farmers.

Learn more about Mike Rogers and his plan to Get America Back on Track at



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