Rogers Op-ed: We Should Protect and Promote IVF

In case you missed it, Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, Mike Rogers, penned an op-ed in The Detroit News, emphasizing his support for IVF and President Trump’s policy to ensure IVF is accessible and affordable for families looking to grow.

Mike has always believed we must embrace families and make it easier for Americans to experience the joy of becoming a parent.

In case you missed…

Mike Rogers: Everyone should support fertility treatment coverage

The Detroit News

September 22, 2024

Former President Donald Trump is right that insurance companies should be covering in vitro fertilization (IVF). They should be doing it on their own, but if they're not, we should correct it. There are plenty of issues that divide us, but fertility treatment should not be one of them, which is why voters enshrined the right to access IVF in Michigan's Constitution.

I believe we all embrace the idea that building families in America is a good thing, but infertility prevents that.

As a proud father, I can tell you that there are few things more beautiful than the birth of a baby. However, there are also few things more painful than the struggle of infertility for those wishing more than anything to hold a child of their own.

This will cost around six or seven dollars a year per adult, the price of two cups of coffee at Starbucks.

Surely, it’s worth that amount to help those who need help to have children. Surely, taking into account the alarming birthrate decline with our replacement rate now 1.6 compared to the 2.1 needed to keep our population from falling off a cliff, it’s worth it. Surely, when treatment is more accessible in practically every other developed country, it’s worth it to provide access to this life-affirming technology for the American people.

It’s a good idea whose time has come, and we should cherish families who are looking to grow and protect and promote IVF as a trusted method to help them succeed.

Learn more about Mike Rogers and his plan to Get America Back on Track at



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