On the Border, Slotkin Talks Tough But Her Record Proves Otherwise

The wide open and dangerous southern border is top of mind for many Americans, especially voters in Michigan. During Slotkin’s six years in Washington, Michigan has felt the effects of her support for Joe Biden’s and Kamala Harris’ open border policies that have led to Ruby Garcia being killed at the hands of an illegal immigrant, Chilean gangs breaking into homes in Oakland County, and fentanyl claiming lives of nearly 3,000 Michiganders in 2023 alone.

Slotkin may talk tough on the border in her ads, but what has she done to deliver results for the Michigan families who are hurting at the hands of the policies she supports?

  • In 2021, Slotkin voted for the Build Back Better Act, which was called the “largest mass-legalization program for undocumented immigrants in U.S. history.”

  • Slotkin voted with Biden-Harris 100% of the time, refused to support a bipartisan resolution condemning “Border Czar” Harris, and voted against impeaching Secretary Mayokaras for failing to secure the border.  

  • In 2023, Slotkin voted against a border security measure that would restart construction of a border wall and crack down on the hiring of illegal immigrants.

  • Slotkin voted against barring Washington, DC from becoming a “Sanctuary City.”

The American people don’t have time for Slotkin’s false promises and flip flopping. They need a leader like Mike Rogers who will stand up for them.

In case you missed it…

Slotkin, Rogers lean into immigration policy fight in U.S. Senate race

The Detroit News

September 16, 2024

The U.S. has tracked record levels of illegal border crossings in recent years. To tackle the problem, Rogers favors finishing the border wall, ending sanctuary cities and reinstating the Trump-era policy known as “remain in Mexico,” which required some migrants to stay in Mexico as the U.S. adjudicated their asylum claims.

He doesn’t support using the U.S. military at the border for enforcement but in secondary roles, according to his campaign. For example, using the JAG Corps (Navy lawyers) to help adjudicate asylum cases or having soldiers assist border personnel with logistics, security and construction.

“We have a lot of really strong immigrant communities across Michigan. They’re madder than hell about this because now all of their family’s immigration process comes to a screeching halt. Green cards are slowed down,” Rogers said in an interview.

“The process of doing it legally takes a back seat to trying to deal with the illegal problem on the border, and that is not fair to these families in Michigan who have come here legally and want to have their family come here and join them.”

… he’d focus on tracking down any criminal gang members, those on the terror watch list or affiliated with ISIS or Islamic State-Khorasan, a regional branch of the Islamic State terrorist group…

“They have got to go,” Rogers said. “I would focus our resources first on those individuals that we know are involved in criminal activity. We have to refocus the FBI for this purpose and other federal agencies.”

Rogers criticized Slotkin for voting against House Republicans’ border security package last year that would have resumed construction of the border wall, limited asylum eligibility to ports of entry, boosted penalties for those overstaying visas and increased the number of Border Patrol agents.

Learn more about Mike Rogers and his plan to Get America Back on Track at RogersForSenate.com.


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