September 5, 2024 — More Flip-Flops Than The Shores of Lake Michigan

FLIP-FLOP — Kamala and Slotkin are trying to run from their hugely unpopular, job-killing EV mandates that enrich China on the backs of American workers.

They’re even claiming they never supported the very bills they sponsored to ban gas cars and the votes they took to let the EPA and liberal states put the ban into effect.

Meanwhile, Mike Rogers and President Trump couldn’t be more clear: No EV Mandates, let the market decide.

NEW ADS — Several new ads began airing on Michigan televisions this week hammering Slotkin for her reckless spending that caused the worst inflation crisis since Monte Clark roamed the sidelines of the Silverdome, and the open border that’s led to thousands of fentanyl deaths in Michigan.

Sheriff Murphy: Livingston County Sheriff Mike Murphy lays out how Slotkin’s open support for the Biden-Harris border crisis has led to violent crime, including murders and sexual assaults of minors throughout Michigan. Who’s to blame? Harris and Slotkin.

Vanessa: A Michigan working mom of four, Vanessa explains how Slotkin’s support for the Biden-Harris spending spree has cost her family over $12,000 more per year for gas and groceries, while Slotkin voted to send taxpayer money to house and protect illegal immigrants.

STRIKING DISTANCE — In the post Labor Day sprint, all eyes are on Michigan. Mike Rogers’ message is resonating with voters across the great State of Michigan – That’s why we are seeing a tightening in the polls. Michigan wants new leadership in Washington and a leader who will have their back when it comes to securing the border, lowering prices, and standing up to China. 

NYCCP — The Chinese Communist Party’s espionage efforts are deep and often hidden in plain sight. The AP in a bombshell report finds that a CCP spy was working as an aide to New York Governor Kathy Hochul. 

The CCP will use any avenue to spy on Americans and undermine our national security, which is why it’s insane that Slotkin continues to support a CCP-funded and operated plant in Michigan, that even her boss and close friend said is all but guaranteed to be used for Chinese espionage

Worst of all? Slotkin signed a non-disclosure agreement to keep her role secret and hidden from voters. Shameful.

WALKING ON SUNSHINE — Mike Rogers spent Labor Day walking across Michigan’s iconic Mackinac Bridge with friends and volunteers, completing the five mile walk after a multi-day swing through the Upper Peninsula.

The U.P. trip included stops in Gwinn, Houghton, Iron Mountain, Marquette, and St. Ignace, speaking with the Mining Gazette and WLUC TV 6.

And on the south side of the bridge, Mike stopped in Alpena to speak with The Alpena News about his plans to lower prices, stop EV mandates, and protect the Great Lakes.

“It’s no secret Washington, D.C. is full of out-of-touch, political elites who are out for themselves and have little understanding of what it’s like to put gas in the tank or food on the table. That’s why this election is so critical. We need a fresh slate of leaders who are committed to working for our state, to bring our values to Washington, not their mandates to Michigan.

“I’m running for the U.S. Senate to fight for those families, to stop the reckless spending and high taxes that are making lives harder, not easier. I’ll put my record in Congress of delivering results up against anyone.”

ON THE AIRWAVES — Mike Rogers spoke with Rich Edson on Fox News this Sunday about Israel’s war to destroy Hamas.

On Tuesday, Mike laid into Democrats’ disastrous EV mandates on Newsmax and how Republicans will have the backs of Michigan autoworkers, while Slotkin and Harris dodge talking about their own ideas.

On Wednesday he joined Fox and Friends First to discuss the Michigan Senate race and how Republicans are surging ahead towards victory in November. Hint hint… It's because Michiganders see that Slotkin hasn’t delivered on her promises and they know Mike Rogers will. 




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