Slotkin Remains Silent While Tlaib Spreads Antisemitic Hate

BRIGHTON, MI — Republican and Trump-endorsed candidate for U.S. Senate, Mike Rogers, released the following statement today following continued antisemitism in Michigan being spread by Rashida Tlaib while Elissa Slotkin remains silent:

"The antisemitic language and actions like what we’ve seen at Wayne State are detrimental to our society and put fear in the minds of Jewish Americans. The fact that elected officials like Rashida Tlaib would help amplify this hatred is absolutely reprehensible.

It’s on our leaders to hold people accountable for spreading hate, which is why it’s so disappointing that Elissa Slotkin continues to remain silent and defend her colleague Tlaib, even as she attends events promoted by hate groups.

Now we learn that Slotkin is willfully employing a senior campaign official who proudly associates themselves with serial antisemite Louis Farrakhan. Slotkin’s lack of leadership at such an important time to stop the spread of antisemitism is astounding.

We must do better to protect all members of our community from the hatred we so sadly continue to see fester in America today. We desperately need actual leadership that will stand up in the face of antisemitism."



Statement on the un-American Persecution of President Trump


Statement on Encampments on Wayne State’s Campus