Rogers and NRSC Launch Seven-Figure Ad Campaign

OAKLAND COUNTY, MI — Today, Mike Rogers and the NRSC launched a new ad as part of a seven-figure television and digital campaign that will air across Michigan.

The ad highlights Slotkin’s support for the Biden-Harris agenda of high costs for gas and groceries, and Slotkin’s close ties to a Chinese battery company that she helped give hundreds of millions of Michigan taxpayer dollars. The battery company, Gotion, is an entity of the Chinese Communist Party and has been linked to slave labor in mainland China.

You can read more about the ad in the Washington Free Beacon.

“Slotkin has embraced lies and division as she tries to hide from her record of helping Biden and Harris drive up grocery prices, open our borders to violent crime and fentanyl, and punish Michigan autoworkers with EV mandates that enrich China,” said Rogers for Senate Communications Director, Chris Gustafson. “While Slotkin tries to prolong the chaos, Mike Rogers is running to give hope to those living paycheck to paycheck and let them know: he’ll fight like hell for Michigan families.”


I’m Mike Rogers.

Elissa Slotkin’s lying about me and my family. You wanna know why?

Slotkin’s trying to hide that she’s everything that’s wrong with Washington.

Slotkin rubber stamped Biden’s agenda, driving up gas and grocery prices.

She pushed for EV mandates that are devastating the Michigan auto industry.  

Slotkin even signed a secret deal that helped a Chinese company – taking away jobs from Michigan workers.

Unlike Slotkin, I’ve always stood up for Michigan families.

I’m Mike Rogers and I approve this message.

I’ll fight like hell to save our jobs, and make life affordable.”

Learn more about Mike Rogers and his plan to Get America Back on Track at



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