Op-Ed: “I’m offering a different approach that puts America first”

In case you missed it, Mike Rogers penned an op-ed in Townhall outlining his plan to increase Michiganders’ take home pay, unleash American energy, cut taxes on the middle class, and end Washington’s wasteful spending.

In case you missed it…

Together We Will Build a Thriving Economy


Mike Rogers

October 11, 2024

During my time on the campaign trail, I’ve traveled to every corner of the state speaking with Michiganders about their challenges in this difficult economy.

Moms and dads are living paycheck to paycheck because of Washington’s reckless spending making their shopping carts the most expensive vehicle to operate. Small business owners are struggling to keep their doors open because of skyhigh costs, extensive regulation, and complex tax codes. Our young people's dream of purchasing a home is slipping out of reach because of ever increasing interest rates and limited availability. Michigan auto workers are concerned about their next paycheck because of Harris-Slotkin out of touch EV mandates.

I’m fighting to create a better future for all Michiganders so they can not only survive, but thrive. Our campaign offers different solutions to the issues Americans are facing today.  We seek to improve our economy, reduce inflation, and create jobs here at home.

Harris and my opponent Slotkin broke our economy. The wasteful spending spree of politicians like Harris and Slotkin are the reason we see the high prices today. This not only makes items your family needs more expensive at the grocery store but it also drives up interest rates making it impossible for many to buy a home. Democrats also stifled America’s energy production by canceling the Keystone Pipeline and over regulating America’s energy producers. Democrats have even gone a step further by implementing an EV mandate which makes us dependent on China and threatens Michigan’s auto jobs.  

Another four years of Harris and Slotkin’s policies is a recipe for disaster.

I’m offering a different approach that puts America first. We need to cut the wasteful government spending driving inflation, and make the government live within its means. Just like your family or small business.

We will cut taxes for working families and retirees by ending taxes on tips and overtime as well as eliminating taxes on social security benefits. We will also extend the 2017 Trump tax cuts, which slashed taxes for middle class Americans and small businesses. We saw the impact of these cuts before COVID when our economy, workers paychecks, and family savings all grew while credit card debt and interest rates fell. President Trump’s plan worked for everyday Americans.

We will go a step further and unleash American energy to create jobs and make America energy dominant. When President Trump left office the price of gas was under $2 per gallon, it cost less to heat and cool your home, and America was energy independent.

By lowering the cost of energy we will lower the cost of everything. It will cost farmers less to run their combines, fertilize their fields, and grow and transport their crops, which reduces the cost of groceries. It will cost less to run factories and transport products. Finally, we will end the Harris-Slotkin EV mandate which makes us dependent on China and guts Michigan’s auto industry. Bottom line, under Republican leadership our economy will prosper and Michigan jobs will be protected.

We will also pursue an America First trade policy. If a nation has tariffs for American products, reciprocal barriers will be placed on access to our market. Harris and Slotkin call such actions a “tax on Americans” while supporting a 33% increase in taxes on American companies. The fact is tariffs are a useful tool that defend American industries.

For example, we currently have a 25% tariff on all pickup and light truck imports into America, which is why iconic vehicles like the Ford F-150, Chevy Silverado, and Ram trucks are still built in places like Dearborn, Warren and Sterling Heights. They have never been outsourced to Mexico because of tariffs.  Even Toyota and Honda build their pickup trucks in America. This tariff has done exactly what it was intended to do, protect American manufacturing. We will reduce taxes on American companies if they invest in American manufacturing and commit to creating jobs in America instead of China, which will subsequently grow our economy.

American families, workers, small businesses, innovators, and young people should know I will always put your interests first, and I will always have your back! Together we will build an economy that allows America and Michigan to thrive.

Learn more about Mike Rogers and his plan to Get America Back on Track at RogersForSenate.com.



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