October 17, 2024 — 19 DAYS To Go, Mikementum Grows

NEW POLL — Rasmussen released a new poll today showing Mike Rogers and Slotkin tied at 44-44, following weeks of public polling showing a similar state of the race. RealClearPolitics continues to show Michigan is the closest Senate race in America.

ROGERS LEADING GOP COMEBACK IN MI — The Wall Street Journal calls it like they see it and they see Mike Rogers as a catalyst for a new era of success for the GOP in Michigan.

“Mr. Rogers, 61, is a Livonia native who left Michigan to serve as an Army lieutenant and a Federal Bureau of Investigation special agent, focused on organized crime and corruption in Chicago. He then returned home, entered politics, and was elected to the U.S. House district Ms. Stabenow vacated when she was elected to the Senate in 2000. An erstwhile Democratic colleague described him as “a voice of moderation and consensus building,” and he served in the House until 2015.”

MIKEMENTUM — Fox News reports that Mike Rogers’ unprecedented field operation is helping lift Michigan Republicans up and down the ballot as Election Day draws near.

For Good Reason: The Rogers campaign, working directly with the Trump campaign in Michigan, has made over 2 million voter contacts and is knocking on over 70,000 doors per week as part of its historic get out the vote effort.

3 DAYS W/ 3 SENATORS — U.S. Senators from across the country are flocking to Michigan to campaign with Mike Rogers in the final stretch before Election Day. Senators John Barrasso, Shelley Moore Capito, and Joni Ernst hit the trail with Rogers in Birmingham, Detroit, Grand Rapids, Howell, and Kingston.

Fox News Radio: Senator John Barrasso On Kamala Harris Being Opportunistic From Day One In The Senate

Newsmax: Sen. Barrasso to Newsmax: Mich. Senate Race Close Due to Biden-Harris Policies

MLive: Mike Rogers, Paul Hudson fire up GOP base at Grand Rapids rally

DEBATE DOMINANCE — On Monday, Mike Rogers debated Slotkin for the second time, and once again proved he’ll have Michigan’s back when it comes to securing the southern border, lowering costs for families, standing up for women in sports, and eliminating the job-killing EV mandates.

One moment that got everyone talking… Even Fox News.

“But if you care about all women, this is a great time to talk about Title IX. Where my opponent said ‘I’m not protecting girls in sports and I’m not protecting girls by allowing men into locker rooms.’ Both of which she voted for. If you want to protect women, there are other ways to do it. I think that is an outlier in this particular debate and it certainly doesn’t put you on team normal.” — Mike Rogers

NOLAN OUT LOUD — In case you missed it, The Detroit News Nolan Finley called out Slotkin for her consistent deception and false promises.

“Give Slotkin credit. She delivered her distortions with admirable authority. You'd almost think she was telling the truth.”

TOP-ED: In the pages of Townhall, Mike Rogers wrote about his vision to make life more affordable and increase Americans’ take home pay. Rogers is “offering a different approach that puts America first.”

“American families, workers, small businesses, innovators, and young people should know I will always put your interests first, and I will always have your back! Together we will build an economy that allows America and Michigan to thrive.”

SLOTKIN ON DEFENSE — CNN’s Manu Raju calls out Slotkin’s dramatic collapse as she tries to mislead Michiganders about her longtime support for EV mandates and admits Kamala is “underwater.”

ROGERS TALKS EV MANDATES — Mike Rogers joined Larry Kudlow on Fox Business Network to discuss the disastrous EV mandates being forced upon Michigan by Slotkin and Kamala.

“We are gathering up auto workers all across the state. Think about it 1.1 million workers in Michigan are tied to the gas engine production in one way or another. 40% less labor according to the CEO of Ford, you do the math that’s 400,000 manufacturing jobs. They are using taxpayer money to bring in Chinese companies to build a product that will result in less Michigan workers. I don’t know anybody who thinks that is a good idea.”

WATCH: Auto Workers Are Fed Up And The Trump Campaign Calls Out Kamala.

AIR RAID — More air support was announced this week to help Mike Rogers flip Michigan red this November. Axios reports that over $10.5 million in new television ads will air in Michigan before Election Day.

MORE ADS — Several new television ads began airing this week, setting the stage for the final weeks of the campaign as Mike Rogers continues his surge.

NUTS: Mike Rogers calls out Slotkin for letting Michigan’s public schools fail, where only half of students are reading proficient, while she advocated for letting biological males compete in girls’ sports.

DRIVE: Slotkin is called out for supporting job-killing EV mandates and then lying to Michiganders about her record. She cannot be trusted.

LETTER TO THE EDITOR — Bill Lauderbach writes to the Midland Daily News to tell Midlanders: Vote for Mike Rogers to represent Michigan in the U.S. Senate.

“I urge a vote for Mike Rogers for U.S. Senate. His experience as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee will bring a vast store of knowledge and experience to the task. Also, his experience in the military adds to the richness of his background.  At a time such as this, when wars rage and tensions reign, we need Mike Rogers. As a former FBI special agent, he will address immigration and law enforcement issues in an intelligent and reasonable way. We need Mike Rogers. With his conservative mindset, he will monitor federal spending and control the growth in the federal debt, something that is not promised by either presidential candidate. We need Mike Rogers. Michigan needs to be represented by a senator who chooses to govern on behalf of all of the people.”



Five Cities, Three Senators, One Goal “Get America Back on Track”