October 11, 2024 — Slotkin’s EV-asiveness

QU: 48-48 — In the latest Quinnipiac University Poll, Mike Rogers has completely erased Slotkin’s lead and tied the race at 48-48, and with InsiderAdvantage showing similar, Michigan is confirmed as the closest Senate race in America, and President Trump enjoys a 3-point lead over Harris.

Meanwhile, 57% of likely voters oppose the Biden-Harris administration’s EV agenda. Speaking of which...

EV-ASIVE — Whether it was lying about her 100% voting record with Biden, lying about her record of open-border policiesdoubling down EV mandates, or signing secret agreements, Slotkin finally showed Michiganders her true self as someone who simply cannot be trusted.

WSJ Calls Out Slotkin… For her support of the Biden-Harris EV mandates and China’s dominance in the industry, including her vote in September to uphold the EV mandates that will destroy Michigan’s auto industry. Read more below:

The reality is that there will be many fewer gas-powered cars available, and they’ll cost much more owing to the government’s limit on supply. As her GOP opponent, Mike Rogers, points out in a dueling ad, Ms. Slotkin voted last month to keep the Administration’s mandate in place—an accurate reference to a House resolution to overturn the EPA rules.

Washington Examiner Piled on…

Therefore, as a senator, Harris absolutely supported telling you what car you would be allowed to drive in 2040. She wanted to force people to buy electric cars or nothing else.

Despite failing to amend the Clean Air Act to give the EPA authority to ban gas-powered cars, the Biden administration proposed a regulation even more stringent than Harris’s.

And Politico…

The legislation would specifically block the rule EPA finalized in April, which the administration says could lead to up to 56 percent of new vehicle sales being electric by 2032.

That measure was supported by Republicans and a small number of moderate Democrats in tight reelection races. Slotkin, however, voted against it.

DEBATE, DON’T DECEIVE — On Tuesday, Rogers and Slotkin took the debate stage in Grand Rapids, where Rogers laid out his case for the future of Michigan, while Slotkin dodged, ducked, dipped, and dove on every single issue.

Line of the Night: “And listen, I get it, the CIA has deception training. My opponent clearly went through that. But you’re supposed to use that against your adversaries, not Michigan voters.” – Mike Rogers

Now we all know why Slotkin said, “I would not have run against Mike Rogers.

The People Agree… Following the debate, Mike Rogers saw a swell of support from Senators, Representatives, and local officials. See below: 

U.S. Sen. Katie Britt: Tonight @MikeRogersForMI showed his dedication to serving all hardworking families across Michigan. I’m proud to support him and look forward to working with him in the Senate to preserve the American Dream for future generations.

U.S. Rep. Lisa McClainGlad to see my friend @MikeRogersForMI win tonight’s debate. Mike has real solutions for Michiganders and will put them first, not the #CCP. I can’t wait to work with him when he is our next US Senator! #MISen

Michigan Sen. Aric Nesbitt.@MikeRogersForMI showed last night that he’ll have our back on Day 1. No EV mandates. No more sweet heart deals for companies tied to the Chinese Communist Party. Ending the Biden/Harris border chaos. Let’s make that happen on November 5th!

State Rep. Bill Schuette: Contrast in the #MISenate debate tonight was clear and so was the winner: @MikeRogersForMI. He clearly laid out that he understands the problems facing our state and nation. Mike will help lower prices and secure the border and is the right choice for our next Senator.

KEY ENDORSEMENT – Mike Rogers earned a critical endorsement from the National Federation of Independent Business and Michigan small business owners. This is yet another major endorsement that Rogers has picked up while Slotkin clings to liberal organizations that vow to defund the police.

“Now, more than ever, Michigan needs a U.S. Senator that understands how important small business is to our economy and will fight against burdensome regulations and taxes. We are confident that Mike Rogers will be a champion for small businesses in Washington.”

ON THE GROUND — The New York Post highlighted Mike Rogers’ historic ground game and how it’s helping Republicans across Michigan, up and down the ballot. With over 1.75 million voter contacts and 50,000 doors knocked every week, in tandem with the Trump campaign, Republicans are crushing Democrats on the ground in Michigan.

NEW ADS — Multiple new ads hit the air across Michigan this week, delivering crushing blows to Slotkin’s radical record and Mike Rogers’ record of service to the people of Michigan.

ANYTHING: Slotkin is lying about his record of supporting the Biden-Harris EV mandates, signing a secret deal to help China, and even taking Chinese cash for herself.

HARD WORK: Mike Rogers talks about his service in the Army, and his time working in a car factory while attending Adrian College. Meanwhile, Columbia and Cornell alumna Slotkin just doesn't understand us.

HOOD: Slotkin would be a car wreck in the U.S. Senate, with her long support for EV mandates and subsidizing foreign EV companies while they take Michigan jobs.

FIGHTING BACK: Whether it's an invasion at the border or China buying up our farmland and stealing our jobs, Slotkin has supported all of it. Meanwhile, born and raised Michigander Mike Rogers will fight for our values in Washington, not the other way around.

ON THE AIRWAVES — Mike Rogers continued to hit the airwaves all week, discussing his debate victory and the unquestioned momentum that is fueling his rise…


“You can drive any car you want under the Democrats as long as it’s an electric car. What they’ve done is just backward regulation to make sure that you will not have the option to buy a gas powered car.


“We are tied, if not a point ahead, that momentum has just been stacking up for the last six weeks. All the recent polling and all the external polling has us tied or a couple of points ahead… This is good news for us. Being a Republican in Michigan and being tied going into October that says good things for November 5.”


“You can’t drink yourself sober, and you can't spend yourself rich… (Democrats) are clearly out of touch with Michigan workers, Michigan families, and what’s best for our future.”

Learn more about Mike Rogers and his plan to Get America Back on Track at RogersForSenate.com.



WSJ: Mike Rogers Tries a Michigan GOP Comeback


Michigan REALTORS® PAC Endorses Mike Rogers for U.S. Senate