Mike Rogers Wins the Night, Roll the Clips

This evening, Mike Rogers proved his command of the issues from securing the border, to ending high prices, to eliminating job-killing EV mandates, to stopping China’s rise at the expense of Michigan workers. It's clear Mike Rogers has a plan to solve the issues Michiganders are facing, while Slotkin will only continue them.

Now we all know why Slotkin said, I would not have run against Mike Rogers.

Roll the Clips

On Slotkin refusing to close Michigan’s Southern Border…

“My opponent has apparently had a conversion when it comes to border security. She’s been there for six years. Voted with Biden-Harris 100% of the time. Here’s the thing, you can’t vote against the wall, you can’t vote against sanctuary cities, you cannot do the things that you've been doing and allowing 10 million illegal immigrants into our country. We’ve spent something like $450 billion on taking care of illegal immigrants' room and board and phones and healthcare. That’s enough money to pay for every Michigan teacher and every Michigan state trooper for 15 years. The fentanyl that is coming access the border has killed nearly 3,000 Michigan citizens every year. This has been a catastrophe and we have seen absolutely nothing done about… I am going to go back and fix and secure the border.”

On Slotkin’s disastrous economic policies…

“My opponent has voted 100% with the Biden-Harris agenda. 100%. If you think about what that means, it means she’s likely to go in and vote for this $25,000 and every other scheme that will only increase the cost of housing. If you want to get to the root of this we have to stop spending. Stop borrowing money from countries like China… and start bringing it back under control so we can bring interest rates down.”

On Slotkin lying to Michigan voters…

“And listen, I get it, the CIA has deception training. My opponent clearly went through that. But you’re supposed to use that against your adversaries, not Michigan voters.”

On Mike’s commitment to safeguard Social Security…

“My parents survived on Social Security and Medicare. My in-laws are surviving on Social Security and Medicare now… I argue that the things we should bring down costs across the board. Medicare transparency is a big factor here. On Social Security, it’s in trouble. On the current plan we see coming out of Washington D.C. has let it ride until there is a 26% cut. We have to get together in a bi-partisan way to stop that from happening… It’s going to be a really important issue that we protect and preserve Medicare and Social Security.”

On Slotkin’s secret agreement…

“My opponent signed a non-disclosure agreement to facilitate a Chinese Communist Party company going up here in Big Rapids to bring in Chinese engineers to build up a factory… You beat China by selling cars that Americans want to buy.”


Quinnipiac University Poll: Mike Rogers TIED 48-48


WSJ: Slotkin voted last month to keep the Administration’s mandate in place