Op-Ed: Unleash American Energy, Innovation

In case you missed it, Republican nominee for U.S. Senate, Mike Rogers, penned an op-ed in The Alpena News on lowering grocery prices and unleashing American energy and innovation.

Unleash American Energy, Innovation

August 31, 2024

The Alpena News

This past week, a working mom of four told me a story that broke my heart.

She’s doing everything the right way. She and her husband are working to help their family get by but can’t keep up with the $1,000-plus per month additional costs that have been brought on by the Kamala Harris and Elissa Slotkin agenda.

People who do the right thing, pay their taxes, and tuck their kids in at night should NEVER have to choose between food on the table or gas in the tank.

My parents raised five boys on a teacher’s salary. I’ve seen firsthand how a tight budget can put undue stress on a family and even a whole community. That’s the hard reality for families across Michigan who are working paycheck to paycheck.

It’s no secret Washington, D.C. is full of out-of-touch, political elites who are out for themselves and have little understanding of what it’s like to put gas in the tank or food on the table. That’s why this election is so critical. 

We need a fresh slate of leaders who are committed to working for our state, to bring our values to Washington, not their mandates to Michigan.

I’m running for the U.S. Senate to fight for those families, to stop the reckless spending and high taxes that are making lives harder, not easier. I’ll put my record in Congress of delivering results up against anyone. 

Continue reading at The Alpena News.

Learn more about Mike Rogers and his plan to Get America Back on Track at RogersForSenate.com.



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