Michigan Congressman John Moolenaar Endorses Mike Rogers

BRIGHTON, MI — Army veteran, businessman, and Trump-endorsed candidate for U.S. Senate, Mike Rogers, announced today that he’s earned the endorsement of Congressman John Moolenaar (MI-02).

Moolenaar, who's represented Michigan in Congress since 2015, has been a strong champion for Michigan in Washington, and currently serves the critical role as Chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Strategic Competition between the United States and the Chinese Communist Party.

Congressman John Moolenaar:

"There's no doubt Michigan will be the center of attention this November, and with an open Senate seat, we as Republicans have a unique opportunity to elect a strong conservative to represent us in the Senate. We need a candidate who will get the job done, and I can think of no better person for the job than Mike Rogers. Mike has a long and respected record of serving our nation and fighting for Michigan, holding China and our enemies accountable, and delivering real results for families. I'm honored to endorse my friend, Mike Rogers, for the U.S. Senate."

Michigan Senate Candidate Mike Rogers:

"I'm humbled to receive the endorsement of Congressman John Moolenaar, a fierce advocate for our state in Congress and a leader on taking on China. He's shed a critical light on the Chinese Communist Party's economic aggression and efforts to buy U.S. farmland. I look forward to continuing our work together to help bring a brighter, more prosperous future for Michigan families and to Get America Back on Track."

The endorsement from Moolenaar follows other high profile endorsements for Mike Rogers, including President Donald J. Trump, former Detroit Police Chief James Craig, Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, Michigan Congressional Members Jack Bergman, Lisa McClain, and Tim Walberg, former Michigan Congresswoman Candice Miller, NRSC Chairman Steve Daines, and U.S. Senators John Barrasso, Katie Britt, Tom Cotton, Shelley Moore Capito, Joni Ernst, and John N. Kennedy.

Learn more about Mike Rogers and his plan to Get America Back on Track at RogersForSenate.com.


U.S. Senator Tim Scott Endorses Mike Rogers


Great Lakes Guide — Tuesday, June 18, 2024