Jewish Insider: Mike Rogers slams Slotkin for staying silent on Tlaib

It's only been a four day work week, but that hasn't stopped Rashida Tlaib and Elissa Slotkin from putting the rapid antisemitism that's permeating throughout the Democrat party in Michigan on full display.

Over the weekend, Tlaib continued her efforts to spread hatred towards Jews and attended an anti-Israel conference in Detroit, headlined by speakers with close ties to terrorist organizations.

Protesters on Wayne State University's campus set up an antisemitic encampment this week, forcing the university to move classes online. At the encampment, Tlaib encouraged the actions of the protesters and even impeded law enforcement from removing protesters to ensure law abiding students could return to campus.

On Wednesday, Fox News disclosed that a senior advisor to Slotkin and her campaign has deep sympathy's for notorious antisemite Louis Farrakhan, posing in a photo with him that she shared on Facebook.

Reminder: Farrakhan has compared Jews to "termites" and called them "Satanic."

Despite multiple requests for comment, Slotkin and her campaign have remained silent about Tlaib's latest antisemitic actions or even their own employment of a Farrakhan sympathizer. 

Mike Rogers spoke with Jewish Insider this week about the cowardice Michiganders are witnessing from Democrats like Elissa Slotkin who refuse to condemn members of their own party in an effort to protect themselves from the far-left fringe.

In case you missed it...

Michigan Senate candidate Mike Rogers slams Slotkin for staying silent on Tlaib

Jewish Insider

Emily Jacobs

May 31, 2024

Michigan’s Republican Senate candidate Mike Rogers is taking Rep. Elissa Slotkin (D-MI) and her fellow Michigan Democrats to task for refusing to condemn an anti-Israel conference — featuring speakers with links to terrorist groups — that Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) addressed last weekend. 

Rogers, who is facing Slotkin in the competitive race for retiring Sen. Debbie Stabenow’s (D-MI) seat, told Jewish Insider that Michigan Democrats were failing their Arab constituents who reject antisemitism by avoiding conversations about the behavior of Tlaib and her far-left colleagues. 

“What you’re doing is silencing those Arabs and those Muslims in that district who don’t believe [what Tlaib is saying],” Rogers said, noting that many of them “came to the United States” because they celebrate Western values. He accused Tlaib and others who preach the same message of bringing “the hatred that happens in some of these places around the world to their doorstep.”

“Elissa Slotkin’s refusal to condemn Rashida Tlaib while she continues to spread antisemitism and attends an event with terrorist organizations is pure cowardice,” he told JI. “Slotkin’s astounding lack of judgement and the consequences as a result only lead to more antisemitism and violence towards Jews. America desperately needs leaders who will stand up to this hatred and support the entire Jewish community.”

Slotkin’s campaign spokesperson declined to comment in response.

Continue reading at Jewish Insider.


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