ICYMI: Press Call with Republican Nominee for U.S. Senate, Mike Rogers

OAKLAND COUNTY, MI — This morning, Mike Rogers held a press call to discuss the state of Michigan’s U.S. Senate race, his trip to the Upper Peninsula with his wife Kristi, and his plan to give families living paycheck to paycheck relief from the disaster of Biden, Harris, and Slotkin.

Read below for some highlights from this morning’s call.

Border Security:

“Matter of fact, the money they've spent on, taking care of room and board and phones and health care for illegal immigrants could pay for every Michigan teacher and every Michigan state trooper for 15 years. This is a problem that affects every Michigander, and here's the thing, they know it. And they can't talk about being the Democrats, Harris and Slotkin. They've been in DC and are part of this problem and say, no. If you just give us another chance, maybe we'll do something about it. But people are suffering under 10,000,000 illegal immigrants dashing across the border in the country. And here in Michigan, we lost 3,000 people to fentanyl. That has nothing to do with anything that they're they're claiming”

Democrats Living In An Alternate Reality:

“...the Democrats are running around saying, ‘The economy is fine, we have a secure border. Nothing to worry about. We'll worry about grocery prices next year.’ Guess what? A lot of these families aren't gonna survive till next year. That's really been our focus. I think the economy, the illegal immigrant problem, and our income problem here, should be the focus… Is it okay to take taxpayer money, which, by the way, is raising the cost of groceries and gasoline and energy, and give it to people who have committed crimes? I'm gonna say absolutely not… If you're gonna vote on something that is absolutely gonna raise the cost of eggs and bacon and bread, then there ought to be a debate and a discussion about who should get that money and how they should get that money. And I think prisoners getting that money is a terrible idea.”

Law Enforcement, Supporting Victims:

“As a law enforcement guy, I can tell you when you meet these victims, their lives are changed forever. I think of this young 11 year old girl, it is reprehensible to me that we are all not outraged. Her life is changed forever. Her family's life is changed forever. This isn't some stat in a book… This guy shouldn't have been in the country legally. He came up and killed this woman in Grand Rapids. I have to tell you the ripple effect of the impact on these families absolutely goes unnoticed… Just start saying that victims don't matter. Victims don't matter. I'm telling you, victims matter. And it's high time, and I guarantee you, I will be standing up for victims of crimes and standing up for the policies that will prevent having to be victims of crimes in this state.”

Rogers vs Slotkin:

“When someone tells you they grew up on a family farm and you find out they grew up in West Bloomfield and went to Cranbrook, a very expensive, elitist high school here. Then went off to Cornell and Columbia and then spent an entire career in Washington DC and then came back. When you see this dichotomy of a guy who is the youngest of five boys, went to public school, went to a college here, spent my life here protecting Michigan citizens… When you attack the auto industry, when you don't vote with police officers, those things matter. And I think people need to understand it.”

Upper Peninsula Visit:

“We are just fresh off of our Western Michigan, Western Upper Michigan, and UP swing for the campaign. And so we did some diner tours. We did a lot of small group meetings, small business owners, farmers, people who work in the industry all along… . It was exhilarating and a little bit sad along the way. People just keep reiterating, and we just get story after story after story about people who are struggling to pay their grocery bill, struggling to pay their gas bill, and their energy bill, certainly up in the UP. Their energy bills have skyrocketed. The pressure on that family budget is intense, and their incomes have not escalated in a way that helps them keep pace.”

They're with us. We had people who said never really identified as a Republican or a Democrat, but, man, I am voting Republican this year. Don't think that's being picked up in the polls for sure…

Harris and Slotkin are getting full blame for what's happening as they should. They're in Washington DC. They're the power of Washington DC now, and they're bringing their policies back to Michigan.”

Learn more about Mike Rogers and his plan to Get America Back on Track at RogersForSenate.com.



Statement on President Trump’s Visit to Howell


ICYMI: Mike and Kristi Rogers return to the Upper Peninsula