Great Lakes Guide – Shady Slotkin's Week of Lies

AARP POLL — A new poll sponsored by AARP and released today shows President Trump maintaining his lead over Harris in Michigan, while Mike Rogers continues to run the strongest swing-state campaign against his radical opponent, maintaining a tied race.

AAR-PISSED — Slotkin’s dark money allies in DC managed to royally piss off AARP while they continue to spread baseless lies about Mike Rogers and attack his family.

The latest DSCC ad was lambasted by AARP for inappropriately using their brand and attempting to insinuate Slotkin had received their endorsement.

BUT THERE’S MORE — Slotkin not only pissed off AARP, but her friend Gary Peters launched an attack ad on her behalf that falsely accused Mike’s wife.

It’s shocking that Slotkin would condone attacks on family members in this race, especially after she said during her 2022 campaign that she would never do so, and both she and Rogers were targeted by swatting. Her silence today is deafening, but her hypocrisy is alive and well.

Reminder: Slotkin absolutely did live in a campaign donor and lobbyist’s home simply for a mailing address…

OH, THERE’S EVEN MORE — In another ad, Slotkin was called out for altering headlines and spreading misinformation, following the lead of Harris who was roasted by news outlets for the same act. Slotkin was caught fabricating “previews displaying alternate headlines and subtexts crafted by the campaigns.”

To no one’s surprise: “Slotkin’s campaign did not respond to a request for comment.”

And to think, Slotkin used to praise the same Mike Rogers…

SHOPPING CARTS — The Rogers for Senate campaign released its first ad of the cycle last week, calling out the broken Harris and Slotkin policies that made your shopping cart the most expensive vehicle in America to operate. WATCH.

SLOTKIN’S MAKING THINGS WORSE — A new television ad began airing today highlighting the massive struggles that Michigan small businesses are facing thanks to the rising costs brought by Slotkin. WATCH.

“Everything is more expensive and politicians like Elissa Slotkin are making things worse… But Mike Rogers gets it. He has a plan to bring down prices and support small businesses…”

NO EVS WANTED — New polling from EPIC-MRA continues to show what’s been obvious to everyone but Slotkin: Michiganders want nothing to do with her radical plans to ban gas cars and mandate electric vehicles. Certainly not the 70,000 UAW employees who could lose their jobs.

PROTECT WOMEN’S SPORTS – Last week in Grand Blanc, Mike and Kristi hosted a roundtable with women’s sports advocates Riley Gaines and Paula Scanlan. Mike signed the pledge to stand up and defend women’s sports.

Meanwhile, Slotkin’s campaign confirmed she supports the policies that allow biological males in girls’ locker rooms.

3 YEARS TODAY — It’s been three years since Joe Biden’s absolutely disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan that resulted in the death of 13 American service members. Biden, Harris, and Slotkin have defended this decision the entire time since. Shameful.

NO CCP IN MY BACKYARDRSVP to attend Mike Rogers’ rally next week to shine light on the CCP-backed Gotion battery plant in Big Rapids. Reminder: Slotkin signed an NDA involving Gotion, who’s loyal to the CCP, engaged in slave labor, and a proven threat to our national security.


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Statement on Democrat National Convention in Chicago


Statement on DSCC’s Attack on Mike’s Family