Great Lakes Guide — Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Endorsement Energy — Mike Rogers secured two more major endorsements this week, with Michigan Congressman and House China Committee Chairman John Moolenaar, as well as U.S. Senator Tim Scott throwing their support behind Mike.

Washington Examiner: Mike Rogers endorsed by House China committee chairman in Michigan Senate race

"We need a candidate who will get the job done, and I can think of no better person for the job than Mike Rogers."

Fox News: Popular Republican and Trump running mate contender makes first Senate endorsement in 2024 races

"Mike Rogers’ commitment to service has always been about putting the American people first. When Mike and I served together, he was a leader who delivered results and fought to expand opportunities for working families and those pursuing their American Dream."

More Support — Senate GOP reserves nearly $10M for ads in Michigan race

"Ahead of the fall election, Senate Republicans' political arm is making nearly $10 million in TV and digital ad reservations in Michigan, where it's supporting former U.S. Rep. Mike Rogers of Brighton for U.S. Senate"

A Literal He Said, She Said — Elissa Slotkin and Hill Harper are lobbing bombs at each other as the bitter Democrat primary heats up. 

Last week, Harper attacked Slotkin for signing a non-disclosure agreement involving Chinese-owned Gotion, which thanks to her help received hundreds of millions in Michigan taxpayer dollars to build a highly-controversial EV battery plant in Northern Michigan.

Related: Michigan has spent $1B on EV, battery plants. So far, they’ve created 200 jobs

Now this week, Harper is alleging Slotkin solicited donations from Hollywood executives during the Writers Guild of America strike in 2023, describing it as "scab" behavior. Not to be out done, Slotkin hurled the same allegation back at Harper. 

"Who's right? We don't know, so stay tuned..." — Oh, We Definitely Will.

To cap it off, former Democrat Senate candidate Nasser Beydoun just endorsed Harper, another blow to Slotkin's 'grasstops' campaign.

In other words... Michigan Dems are in disarray. Or, as they would put it... 

Stating the Obvious — Slotkin: Gaza Pier ‘More Complicated Than We Would Have Liked’, People Don’t Get ‘How Complicated This Is’

NYT Average —  President Trump maintains his lead over Joe Biden in Michigan as they get set to debate this week. 

Reminder: Slotkin "has expressed concern to allies that she may not be able to win her race if Biden is at the top of the ticket." — Understandable.

Stressed Out — Gretchen Whitmer said the quiet part out loud, admitting Michigan voters are "stressed out" from the Biden economy and Democrat-led Covid shutdowns.

Another Blow to Auto Industry — Editorial: Nessel's fossil fuel suit would crush Michigan

"Nessel has picked a behemoth of a fight in a state that has been built on and continues to rely on the automotive industry and heavy manufacturing. 

Such an effort does not serve the public interest."

Retired Border Chief — Michigan, other states face impacts of border crisis

"’s not just the 1.5 million illegal entry attempts that are concerning, but the number of people who have succeeded entering the country illegally and are now unaccounted for."

Mike Rogers on Radio: Mike Joined Brian Kilmeade to Discuss Biden's Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal

Tweet of the week: We Must Protect Girls' and Women's Sports

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Learn more about Mike Rogers and his plan to Get America Back on Track at


Associated Builders & Contractors of Michigan PAC Endorses Mike Rogers for U.S. Senate


U.S. Senator Tim Scott Endorses Mike Rogers