Great Lakes Guide — Monday, June 10, 2024

Poll Position — New polling from last week shows Mike Rogers' momentum continues to grow, with the latest numbers showing Mike and Slotkin TIED. New polling from FAU and Mitchell Research continue to prove that Michigan's open Senate seat is THE top flip to secure the Senate majority for Republicans.

Mike Rogers remains the only Republican in a contested race within the margin of error, well above other targeted Senate races.

To That Point — On Friday, the NRSC announced an unprecedented investment in Michigan to support Mike Rogers. The seven-figure investment will fund a statewide field team with regional offices across Michigan, including the Upper Peninsula.

Fox News: GOP shores up Michigan effort as Dems lose Senate incumbent advantage

The common theme among previous unsuccessful campaigns in Michigan has been a total lack of on the ground organizing, instead choosing to rely on blanketing the airwaves with ineffective TV ads. Working closely with the Trump campaign and candidates up and down the ballot, the Rogers campaign intends to use the NRSC's investment to further expand voter outreach, persuade hard to reach voters, and turn out the winning coalition this fall.

Not Tired Of Winning — President Trump continues to dominate Joe Biden in Michigan, and it's no wonder why. The absolute failures of Bidenomics continue to be the #1 issue for Michigan voters while concerns over the wide-open border and job-killing EV mandates are driving voters to Trump.

While Sleepy Joe hides from voters and the press on the front porch, President Trump isn't letting his foot off the gas. This year alone, Trump has already held three separate rallies drawing thousands of supporters in Grand Rapids, Saginaw, and Waterford. President Trump will visit Michigan again this Saturday, addressing thousands of supporters in Detroit

When It Rains It Pours — Elissa Slotkin's terrible, horrible, no good, very bad month continues to get worse.

Notable Antisemite — A new report shows Slotkin employs a sympathizer of notorious antisemite Louis Farrakhan as a senior aide on her campaign. Slotkin's campaign has refused to address the stunning revelation.

"It is beyond alarming that a major U.S. Senate candidate and sitting member of Congress employs political staff who associate with Louis Farrakhan," Liora Rez, Founder and Executive Director of StopAntisemitism, told Fox News Digital in a blistering statement attacking Rep. Elissa Slotkin, D-Mich. "For decades now, Farrakhan has in the most vile, disgusting, and radical terms denounced Jews and Judaism," she said. "Given Rep. Slotkin's extensive experience in counterterrorism, intelligence, and international security, it is concerning that she was unaware of this advisor's connection to Farrakhan."

"Elissa Slotkin is running to the radical antisemitic fringes of the Democratic Party to win her primary campaign against Hill Harper."

Rogers Slams Slotkin's Cowardice — Mike Rogers spoke with Jewish Insider and slammed Slotkin over her refusal to condemn Rashida Tlaib. While Tlaib continues to spread and encourage antisemitism, she hit an all time low and addressed a crowd with direct links to terrorist organizations. Slotkin, who's called Tlaib a "badass" continues to remain silent, even refusing to call out the blatant antisemitism.

“Elissa Slotkin’s refusal to condemn Rashida Tlaib while she continues to spread antisemitism and attends an event with terrorist organizations is pure cowardice,” Mike Rogers told JI. “Slotkin’s astounding lack of judgement and the consequences as a result only lead to more antisemitism and violence towards Jews. America desperately needs leaders who will stand up to this hatred and support the entire Jewish community.”

Slave Labor Co-Signer — A shocking new report from the U.S. House Committee on China found that Gotion, the Chinese company that Slotkin signed an NDA to help give billions of taxpayer dollars to, is a willing participant in China's ongoing human rights abuses against Uyghurs. The report found that Gotion's supply chains are fully wrapped up in forced labor and the CCP's genocide in the Xinjiang region.

If national security concerns and the enrichment of China at the expense of Michigan auto jobs wasn't enough, this new development should end this communist boondoggle.


Washington Times: House GOP Accuses Biden Of Using Federal Agency To Tilt Election In His Favor In Michigan

NY Post: Trump has slight edge on Biden in swing state of Michigan, post-verdict poll shows

Great Lakes Wire: Senate Candidate Rogers: Due to ‘influx of illegal immigrants, our children are falling behind

Fox News: GOP shores up Michigan effort as Dems lose Senate incumbent advantage

Detroit News: Editorial: Biden finally acts on border, but still falls short

The Midwesterner: U.S. Rep. John Moolenaar demands DHS blacklist Gotion, CATL over ties to Chinese slave labor

Learn more about Mike Rogers and his plan to Get America Back on Track at


ICYMI: New Ad Highlights President Trump's Endorsement of Michigan Conservative Mike Rogers


ICYMI: NRSC Announces Seven-Figure Field Program In Support Of Mike Rogers