FACT CHECK: Slotkin Called Out For Lies About Mike Rogers

FACT CHECK: Slotkin, DSCC, and Michigan Democrats were caught LYING about Mike Rogers. PolitiFact rated Slotkin’s claims regarding Mike’s record on China as FALSE.

Slotkin’s lies were so egregious that reputable media outlets rightfully cast them aside, but Slotkin and her allies continue to mislead Michigan voters as they try and cover for her non-disclosure agreement that helped a Chinese corporation secure Michigan taxpayer money.

Slotkin’s record of lies is long and noted. Just last week, Slotkin was caught inappropriately claiming a tax credit meant for farmers so she could avoid paying $2,700 in property taxes that fund Michigan public schools. Earlier this year, Slotkin’s false claim that she was a small business owner was exposed as a lie and she’s responsible for an entity in violation of Michigan state law.

The fact is Mike Rogers has long been one of the strongest opponents of Chinese efforts to infiltrate our economy, undermine our national security, and attempts to dislodge the U.S. on the world stage. Mike led the investigation that warned the American people about Huawei and ZTE, and helped small, medium, and large businesses combat Chinese espionage efforts.

“The facts are clear: Mike Rogers has spent his career fighting China and protecting Michigan families, while Slotkin sold out Michiganders and helped a Chinese corporation take our jobs, our farm land, and our taxpayer dollars. Slotkin will only serve herself, but Mike will continue to have the backs of Michiganders.” — Rogers for Senate Communications Director Chris Gustafson

Read more about Slotkin’s shameful disinformation campaign below and at PolitiFact.

Claim that Senate candidate Mike Rogers worked to give Chinese companies U.S. access lacks evidence


August 23, 2024

Rogers worked for American tech companies that had connections to Huawei — including AT&T and Nokia. But Slotkin’s ad would have viewers believe Rogers was involved in deals to bring Chinese tech to the U.S. There’s little evidence to back that up.

"At no point ever has Mike advocated for Chinese technology companies, especially Huawei and ZTE," Rogers campaign spokesperson Chris Gustafson said.

As House Intelligence Committee chair, Rogers oversaw an investigation that led to the committee labeling Huawei and ZTE, another Chinese tech company, as national security threats.

Rogers’ campaign and AT&T told us that Rogers was not involved in any business decisions related to Huawei. Gustafson said Rogers "played absolutely zero role and had no oversight or say in equipment procurement for AT&T Wireless."

AT&T confirmed Rogers’ position in an email, and said he "had no role in business or purchasing decisions with the company."

Our ruling

In an ad, Slotkin’s campaign said Rogers was "helping Chinese companies get access to the U.S."

Rogers worked for AT&T while it was pursuing deals with Chinese phone companies to sell their devices in the U.S. But Rogers’ role was separate from those business decisions, the company said, and there’s no evidence he was involved.

We rate this claim False.

Learn more about Mike Rogers and his plan to Get America Back on Track at RogersForSenate.com.


Dr. Sherry O'Donnell Endorses Mike Rogers for U.S. Senate


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